Friday, December 11, 2009

Page Rank Update

I see this all the time. People asking for a PR update. Back in the day Google used to update their databases every three months. It's changed a little bit in the past two or so years and they now update their databases whenever they feel like it.

If you were hoping for an update it probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. The last update was at the end of October so the earliest PR update would probably be at the end of January or the beginning of February, IF they actually follow the guidelines that they laid out themselves.

It also seems like they're doing things a little differently these days and updating PR based on a different algorithm. I have thousands upon thousands of backlinks going to all of my sites, yet they either have PR1 or no PR at all.

We'll see how they next update goes and when it happens. Hopefully soon.

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to see the page rank of some blogspot blogs but I can't. I can only see the page rank of Do you know how to see subdomains like this one?
